Martijn Koot and Sandy van der Schaaf contributed the The Netherlands chapter to the fifth edition of The Acquistion and Leveraged Finance Review

The Acquisition and Leveraged Finance Review, one of the guides of The Law Reviews, published by Law Business Research Limited, provides a business-focused legal analysis of and insight in the acquisition and leveraged finance practice in key jurisdictions worldwide. Martijn Koot, partner in our banking and finance practice and in our corporate law practice and Sandy van der Schaaf, senior associate in our banking and finance practice contributed the The Netherlands chapter to the fifth edition of The Acquisition and Leveraged Finance Review, which is available as enclosed PDF.

 For more information, please do not hesitate to contact Sandy van der Schaaf or Martijn Koot.

acquisition and leveraged finance review bijdrage Sandy en Martijn picture

The LawReviews expert panel 2019

Further information as PDF
