Home About Us Doing Business in the Netherlands
Doing Business in the Netherlands
This guide has been specifically prepared for the benefit of international investors who consider doing business in the Netherlands as well as their advisers. Please note that the guide offers a high-level overview and summary of the relevant laws, rules and regulations only and should not be regarded as exhaustive or comprehensive, nor should it be considered to constitute legal advice. If you need specific advice on or assistance with any issue you are facing when entering the Dutch market or doing business there or if you need any information on Heussen and the services rendered by Heussen, please feel free to contact one of the Heussen partners.
We would like to thank the following contributors for making this publication possible: Rens Berrevoets, Niels van Gelder, Martijn Koot, Stan Robbers, Herman Ruiter, Sandy van der Schaaf, Tim Schreuders and Sam van Well. A special thanks goes to Maarten Edie, Jonne Lansink and Wouter Vosse of
Hamelink Van den Tooren N.V., who have contributed the Tax chapter to this guide.
This guide is current as at 1 June 2023.